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Updated: Jul 27

On a shared train journey down to London, in February, a friend suggested the Human Being Diet #HBD, a very brief conversation! “You eat vegetables for two days and then weigh food out, concentrating on protein!”

On February 16th, 2024, I was weighing in at 15 stone 02! I am five foot eleven and I hadn’t being that weight for long, perhaps a year or a bit more.  I wasn’t in the obese section of the BMI reader (NHS use this as their measuring tool, behind the times somewhat but a place to start I guess and what they use at your HRT check ups!)

I almost was in the obese section, but I didn’t need any scales or a BMI calculator to tell me I looked shit and felt like shit!

I felt fat, bloated, miserable and my stomach caused me pain when I bent over to tie my shoes.  In fact, due to my inguinal hernia, I had a little bit of sick in my mouth every time I put my shoes or socks on!  I had constant heartburn, sweated too much, felt panicked when I lied down, due to the extra weight I was carrying.  Hardly slept due to the above and was constantly sweating.  I wasn’t comfortable in my clothes. I felt disgusting and unhealthy.  I was craving and eating crap, processed food, I couldn’t stop. I just wanted to eat rubbish sugary or salty food and once eaten this, I instantly felt like shit but craved it more and more. The cycle went round and round and round.  When I looked in the mirror I didn’t see me, I saw a different person looking back at me. I basically felt like shit!

Now my body has been through a lot over the last few years, since 2021 especially. I grew and carried a massive mass in my womb for a year or more, which resulted in an abdominal hysterectomy. I didn’t have a straightforward recovery; in fact, I had a pretty shit one with complications.  Because of this I did not move a great deal. Going into surgical menopause without warning or mental preparation didn’t help: anxiety, sleeplessness, overeating, no motivation, depressive thoughts and feelings, paranoia and loneliness.

On a shared train journey down to London, in February, a friend suggested the Human Being Diet #HBD, a very brief conversation! “You eat vegetables for two days and then weigh food out, concentrating on protein!”

So, without reading the book (have since bought and read) I started the diet! I knew I had to eat just vegetables for 24 hours! How hard can that be? Two days, just eating vegetables – I made a massive pan of my favourite vegetable soup and ate that for two days! Yes, I didn’t stick to the correct ingredients of phase one of the diet, as I had potatoes in there and shop bought soup granules, remember I didn’t have the book at this stage, but I was doing better than I was before: eating crap and feeling sorry for myself, which in turn made me eat crap and feel sorry for myself! I didn’t struggle at all with this stage of the diet, in fact I felt on a high, embarking on a new beginning, a new chapter. Felt empowered and full of it!

“The programme is split into 4 phases. The first 16 days are oil, alcohol, sugar and grain-free and this 16-day period is sacrosanct; it sets the scene for the deep metabolic reset to come.”

Phase two is called ‘Reset’ -eating three meals a day of equal protein and vegetables and one apple a day. I found this phase the hardest, as you can’t use oil or fat to cook with! Some meals I made were tasty and others were disastrous tasteless concoctions that made me feel depressed and sad!   I didn’t once feel hungry during phase two! My mind played tricks on me stating that something was missing and made me feel shit again but really, I was having withdrawal symptoms from sugar and processed foods.

I didn’t give in and was able to see significant change through my weight loss and this spurred me on during those ‘dark’ days! I put myself to bed early most nights through phase two, in the hope that a new day would make me feel less crap!

Phase 3: Burn, ten weeks minimum. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is reintroduced and a weekly treat meal.”

Phase three is more enjoyable – three meals, with protein and vegetables, but oil to cook with. The weekly treat meal is amazing and gives you something to look forward to and fantasise about. Dark chocolate and a glass of wine also is divine.

Having a treat meal a week just emphasised again that we don’t need to consume that amount of excess sugar and salt that we could eat weekly or even daily.

The best thing I’ve learnt during phase two and three is the amount of food I was consuming before I started the #HBD – there really is no need. I was down to 130grams (amount depends on your weight) of protein and varied vegetables.  This really doesn’t look much on your plate, but the large amount of protein does its job – fills you up!

 I’ve always been good at drinking water but its advised to drink more than I was, and this has made a massive difference too.  Eating whole food and nuts in phase three has enabled me to gain a better relationship with food again. And reaffirming why my body needs them, which in turn has made me feel good.

Think of P4 as an extension of P3. You're building on the feedback your body has given you and probably discovered, by reintroducing certain foods in P3 and via treat meals, which foods your body doesn't like.”


So, what have I learnt?

I really didn’t need to eat the amount I was eating! I was almost eating for two humans per meal!  That my sugar monster is NOT my friend, the sugar consumption ruled my life. The sugar monster was in control not me.

I need to be kind to my body and give it beautiful healthy offerings that give nutrients and goodness to my skin, brain and body. I need to take more time and effort in what I offer my body to eat. Plan and think about what it needs. Spend more time listening to my body and soul to understand what its lacking.

As I rely on HRT for hormones now, I don’t need to consume as much food to make them, so my portions don’t need to be as big anymore.  However, I need to think about food that supports my remaining hormonal system, for example eating beans, pulses, fish to help maintain a healthy thyroid.

My body doesn’t like; white processed bread, pasta of any kind and rice – I feel sluggish and bloated after eating it!  But my sugar monster loves it and wishes I could eat it all the time! Rye bread is enough, and my sugar monster will have to lump it!

I’ve had to change my attitude towards food and #HBD can offer you this. A place in time to readjust and think about what you are consuming and why.

The introduction of leaving five hours between meals is a new concept that I have adapted and it’s benefits are endless.  The empty stomach and water consumption has enabled me to replenish my stomachs microbiome and start to heal itself after the years of drugs that I needed to take for pain.  I am now free of daily omeprazole, which I think is amazing, as I never thought I’d be able to get off them!  The side effects from this drug are endless and can cause stomach cancer, so to be free of this drug is amazing!

“Leaving five hours in between meals will allow insulin levels to reduce, triggering your fat burning hormone.”

Eating a mixed and colourful variety of vegetables a week is so important, not just for your gut but also a celebration of the wonderful world we live in that can offer such delights.

This journey hasn’t been easy, especially phase two and getting to grips with phase three but why should it be easy, life is hard.  Choosing to make a change and seeing the transformation that is the reward and I will reap the benefits over and over again.  

July 2024, Cala Mastella, Ibiza.

Weighing in at 12 stone 10! Feeling FABULOUS!

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